Om oss

- Om oss och vår verksamhet

This is an open source e-commerce store built with everything new in Next.js 13. The project is still in development. You can follow the progress on Twitter.

Tech stack used

Features to be implemented

  • Authentication with Clerk
  • File uploads with uploadthing
  • Newsletter subscription with React Email and Resend
  • Blog using MDX and Contentlayer
  • ORM using Drizzle ORM
  • Database on PlanetScale
  • Validation with Zod
  • Storefront with products, categories, and subcategories
  • Seller and customer workflows
  • User subscriptions with Stripe
  • Checkout with Stripe Checkout
  • Admin dashboard with stores, products, orders, subscriptions, and payments


  • OneStopShop - For drizzle ORM implementation with planetscale, and stripe account connection for each store

About the author

Hi, I'm Sadman. Self-taught web developer building websites with AI and Next.js.